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Behind its Nutrition, There Are Abundant Benefits of Nuts

Some studies reveal, regular eating nuts can increase life expectancy. This is allegedly due to the benefits of nuts in reducing the risk of death from certain diseases. Almost all types of beans have the same health benefits. Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, and various nutrients in them can support body health.

Various Content and Benefits of Beans

In addition to unsaturated fatty acids, nuts contain many nutrients that are good for the body. These nutrients include:
  • L-arginine

  • Arginine is an amino acid needed to produce nitric oxide. The function of nitric oxide is to dilate blood vessels. In other words, arginine can help the arterial walls more elastic and reduce the risk of clots forming in the arteries.
  • Plant sterol

  • Sterols can help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Other products, such as margarine, are often added to plant sterols to make it healthier, but nuts already contain plant sterols naturally.
  • Fiber

  • One of the health benefits of fiber is that it makes you feel full longer, so that it can help you lose weight. Another benefit is the possibility that it can help prevent diabetes and balance cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

  • This is a substance that can help nourish the heart. Omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent heart attacks.
  • Vitamin E

  • Blood vessels can be narrowed if there is a build up of plaque. This will increase the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack. Vitamin E in nuts can reduce this risk.

Types of Beans that are Good for Consumption

Although there are many benefits of nuts that are good for body health, consumption of nuts is still limited. About 80% of the beans are good fat, but they also contain high calories. The recommended amount is about a small handful of beans or two tablespoons of peanut butter. Can be used as a substitute for food groups that contain saturated fats, such as eggs, milk, or cheese. There are two types of beans, namely beans that grow on trees and beans that grow in the soil. Peanuts that grow on trees for example almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts. Peanuts that grow in the soil, for example are peanuts. The following types of beans that you can make a daily menu or as a snack:
  • Walnuts

  • By eating walnuts, you can get more antioxidants, because of the high vitamin E content in them. Some other types of beans only have half the antioxidant content compared to walnuts.
  • Almonds

  • If you are undergoing a weight loss program, it is recommended to consume almonds. Almonds make you feel full quickly thanks to the fiber, fat, and protein they contain. The type of fat found in nuts is also the same as that found in olive oil, which is monounsaturated fat. The advantages of this one substance is said to be beneficial for maintaining heart health.
  • Pecan

  • Pecan contains the most antioxidants compared to other types of beans. The amount of vitamins is also high, reaching 19 vitamins. The benefits of these nuts can slow down Lou Gehrig's disease, which is a degerative nerve disease.
  • Pistachios

  • This type of bean is very good for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood because it contains substances that can increase the level of antioxidants in the body, including beta carotene, gamma tocopherol, and lutein. In addition to lowering LDL levels, known as bad cholesterol, pistachios are also good for maintaining healthy eyes and skin.
  • Peanuts

  • Although different from previous types of nuts, the benefits of peanuts are also great because the content of protein and unsaturated fat in it is good for heart health.

Paying attention to the Presentation and Processing of Beans

Almost all types of beans, including peanuts that grow in the soil, have relatively the same nutritional content. Noteworthy is that you are advised to consume nuts without any additions. The benefits of peanuts are not optimal when you add salt, sugar or chocolate. In addition, it is recommended to pay more attention to bean processing. A study revealed that eating lots of fried foods will have a negative impact on health, which causes high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Although still being researched, it is recommended that you fry using olive oil, which is expected to protect the heart with antioxidant content. Not a few benefits of nuts that can be obtained for health. However, still pay attention to the amount you consume. If you have special health conditions, you should consult a doctor for the right amount of consumption.


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